It’s time to register for the OMJA Spring Conference and receive the state mandated 12 hours of certification (see State Statute 11 O.S. § 27-104 (OSCN 2024).
If you attend both days of the conference, you will earn the required 12 hours. Currently there is no virtual option for this training.
As you all may be aware, the legislature passed Senate Bill 462 during the 2023 legislative session. This legislation does the following:
1. Requires all municipal judges must complete 12 hours of required municipal related continuing education through the Oklahoma Municipal Judges Association prior to July 1st, 2026.
2. Upon completion of the training that is conducted by the Oklahoma Municipal Judges Association, you will receive a certification of training certificate.
3. The training is approved by the Oklahoma Bar Association for continuing education credit.
4. The certificate must be filed with the county clerk of the jurisdiction in which the municipality is located.
5. The municipal judges association holds training twice a year, however additional training dates may be added prior to the effect date.
6. As of July 1st 2026, if you have not completed your training and your certificate is filed with the county clerk, your municipality will be limited to a maximum of $50.00 fine for any charge, traffic or criminal.
7. This is a one-time training, and certificate pursuant to the legislation, similar to new city officials and new police chiefs training also required by statute for elected municipal officials and municipal police chiefs.
Please register by April 4th!