Legal Department
The Oklahoma Municipal League provides library and reference services to its members. OML does not give legal advice or act as a legal advisor. Please discuss all legal matters with and follow the advice of your city or town attorney.
Staff legal counsel provide information and assistance to city attorneys, draft legislation and file amicus curiae briefs on behalf of member cities and towns in cases of general interest to Oklahoma cities and towns.
Legal Links:
The Official Oklahoma State Web Site
Oklahoma Attorney General
Please Note: These summaries are not a substitute for legal advice. You should consult your city or town attorney prior to taking any action based on these documents.
Legal Topics of Interest
The Oklahoma Bar Association Municipal Law Articles From The 2022 November Bar Journal
Economic Development
OE Program Launches Guide to Help Cities Go Solar
Saving Energy Saves Money by Jim Giebel - With permission from Minnesota Cities, a publication of the League of Minnesota Cities, copyright 2009.
Recycling: The Missing Piece of the Resource Conservation Puzzle - with permission from SD Municipal League
SPEEDING THROUGH THE ‘GREEN’ LIGHT: PART ONE - Legal Issues Presented by Municipalities’ Pursuit of a More Sustainable Built Environment and Use of the LEED® Standard By John McGowan, Esq.
Digital deadline: Where will the old televisions go? - Reprinted with permission from the Municipal Association of South Carolina
The Commerce Clause and Municipal Taxation - With kind permission from the Alabama League of Municipalities
Public Trust Contractors: Sales Tax Exemption
When Good Budgets Go Bad: Dollars and Sense Revisited
FAIR committee confronts city finances, intergovernmental relations
State Labor Law
Principles of Waiver of Statutory Rights
Legal Problems With Paid Time Off?
The Garrity Warning and Public Employees - Article from the April 2009 Kansas Government Journal. Reprinted with permission from the League of Kansas Municipalities.
Summary of Fire and Police Arbitration Act
General HR Issues
Taking the right steps toward succession planning from the North Dakota League
Questions, questions – getting the best answers from applicants from the North Dakota League
The Cost of Downsizing - With Kind Permission from Indiana Association of Cities and Towns
City Workforce of the Future: The Next Generation
Motivate Employees from SD Municipal League, with Permission
IACT Lay-Off Article by E. Nelson Chipman
Religious Expression in the Municipal Workplace
The Next Generation Reprinted with permission from Minnesota Cities, a publication of the League of Minnesota Cities, copyright 2008
Initiative Cautions Against Tapping Into Retirement Plans - NLC
Federal Issues
Training time outside work hours: Is it compensable?
Changes to the Family Medical Leave Act
Supreme Court Rules in Ricci v. DeStefano
Supreme Court Hears Employment Discrimination Case
Fair Pay Act, Retirement Changes and Proposed Firefighter Standards
Legal Developments Affect Employers with Employees In The Military
Mental Health Parity Legislation Becomes Law
EEOC Guidelines on Caregiving Duties
US Supreme Court Refuses To Apply Class of One Theory of Equal Protection To Public Employment by Garrett A. Baxter, Esq. from The Municipal Assisstance Center of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns
EEOC Issues Guidance on Family Caregiving Responsibilities Discrimination
Immigration Developments
Public Officials
Social Media – The Newest Face on Public Relations by Heather Roberts, Manager of Information Services, Iowa League of Cities, reprinted with kind permission.
National Preparedness Month: Are You Ready by Bethany Duncan, Communications Coordinator, Iowa League of Cities, reprinted with kind permission.
Use Letters to the Editor and Editorials to Reinforce Your Message Taken from Op-eds: Framing the Debate by Communications Consortium Media Center.
Do You Tweet? Reprinted with permission from Uptown Municipal Association of SC
Managing Meetings in Challenging Times
IRS Payroll Compliance Problems
Leading Your Community: A Guide for Local Elected Leaders
Accounting for Capital Assets: A Guide for State and Local Governments
District Meeting/Forum 9-1-1 Policy Statement
Expansion of SST to Include Telecom Fees, Taxes and Permitting Beyond The Original Sales Taxes
New Federal Action: Municipal Franchise/9-1-1 Fees Collected by the State?
Telecommunication Case U.S. Supreme Court Denies Cert.
Details Emerge on Planned Nationwide Cell Phone Alert System
OWRB Rule Making:
OWRB Proposed Amendments to Chapter 20 of Permanent Rules
OWRB Statewide Water Plan:
Update on OWRB Regional Water Meetings
Conjunctive Use, In-Stream Flows
Municipal Policy Review: Volume 8
Policy Papers on Water:
Water Overview: Municipal Policy Review Volume 1