Research Department
The OML Research Department strives to be the elite source of Oklahoma municipal policy information. The department conducts several regular publications including the Salary and Benefits Report as well as the Utility Cost Report. Additionally, other reports, studies, and surveys occur periodically to provide timely and relevant information for municipal leaders.
Reports of Municipal Interest
Oklahoma Municipal Utility Costs Survey
Oklahoma Municipal Utility Costs:
This is a comparison of utility rates in easy to read charts which are published in cooperation with the Municipal Electric Systems of Oklahoma (MESO). It presents water, sewer, refuse, electric, gas and cable television costs for cities and towns. It is both a handbook for local communities and a source of comparative data on trends in rates and services.
Oklahoma Municipal Salary And Benefits Survey
OML annually publishes a salary survey which reports the current wages, fringe benefits and pay plans for cities and towns across the entire state. Basic wage and benefit information is reported in tabular form. Expanded coverage for cities with employee unions provides more detailed information that is useful in the design of pay/benefit plans and in negotiations with labor organizations. It is used by cities and towns across Oklahoma to evaluate their salaries and benefits. The survey will also be provided in an updated electronic format on CD.