201 N.E. 23rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, (405) 528-7515; (800) 324-6651; Fax (405) 528-7560

Regional Councils

Regional Councils

We are excited to announce the formation of the OML Regional Councils. There are so many outstanding municipal leaders across the state with only a certain amount of board seats available, that we want to tap into the knowledge and leadership of those running our municipalities. The goal is to have more representation from all of our cities and towns across the State, and to have our members more involved with OML.

A large part of what OML does is represent municipalities at the State Capitol, and we are successful because we speak with a united voice.  We need OML members more involved in the Legislative process, and part of that involvement is to ensure that we are keeping you informed about what is happening at 23rd and Lincoln.

We also want to hear directly from you about your needs and issues as a municipality. This is your opportunity to have a voice for your municipality and share your opinions on policies for the organization. Getting together to share ideas and work through situations will help make our cities and towns stronger and will help grow our state.

The Oklahoma Municipal League Regional Council will advise the OML Board by providing leadership to create effective leaders, and serve as a voice for collective action statewide.

Responsibilities of Regional Council members include:

  • Regional Council members represent municipalities from their district and facilitate communication with other municipal leaders on issues of importance to them and of importance to their communities.

  • Regional Council members represent OML and, thus, Oklahoma municipalities to the public and legislature. Regional Council members come to meetings prepared and ready to contribute to the welfare of the organization.

  • Ability to attend meetings: There will be four quarterly meetings, three being held in each District and one being held at OML Annual Conference. Regional Council members are strongly encouraged to attend all scheduled meetings.

  • Special events include the OML Conference in September, the Congress of Mayors event in January, the MCO/OML Legislative Reception, and if you are a Mayor, the Mayors Summer Conference held in June/July each year.  Members are strongly encouraged to attend these events.

  • Regional Council members must be currently serving as a municipal official in their municipality. 

OML Regional Councils

  • Advisory Board to the OML Board of Directors

  • Requires Legislative Participation

  • Must Get Approval From Your Council

  • Must Be Able To Travel At Least 4 Times A Year

 Other Opportunities

  • Serve On A Sub-Committee

  • Serve In A Leadership Position

  • Participate In OML Events