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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Funding Opportunity for Structurally Deficient City Bridges

Through the latest federal legislation, IIJA-BIL and the Bridge Formula Program, funds were made available to every state to assist in improving bridge conditions as part of the transportation infrastructure.  This funding is available for improving not only highway bridges, but also city and county owned structures.

With intentionality, ODOT has made great strides in addressing Structurally Deficient bridges on the state highway system, moving Oklahoma from number 49 in the nation for worst highway bridges to number 7, however, there are still over 1700 SD bridges on the city and county system.  In an effort to reduce the number of structurally deficient bridges in our state, ODOT is making funding available to address as many structurally deficient bridges that funding will permit.

As part of this funding, ODOT has established the SD City Bridge Program with the goal of providing financial assistance to replace or rehabilitate SD bridges on the city system.  If you have an SD bridge(s) within your city limits and you are interested, please fill out the notice of interest at this link: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/abfd805554334da7ae773579e12e17e7 .  This will help us prioritize the participation so that we can address as many SD bridges as possible.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or Luke Bustos at lbustos@odot.org .
Melissa Davis, PMP®, Program Manager
Local Government Division
Cell 405-249-0829