From MuniReg

Good Afternoon,

I would like to take a moment to share information, that I believe will be of value to your residents.

Typically this type of information is regionalized following a natural disaster, however with the national emergency we are experiencing, this information has national relevance.

As you share the constantly evolving information with your constituents please consider including the following that hopefully will lessen at least one of their burdens.

The information is also posted on our website and will be updated as needed. 

Mortgage Relief

The primary “Investors/Insurers” have issued guidance to loan servicers (banks) on possible forbearance for homeowners who are experiencing financial hardships as a result of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Additionally the OCC has issued guidance addressing mortgages and banking.

Please see the following links:

General Guidance for Natural Disasters (provides general insight into policies and procedures regarding assisting homeowners with foreclosure avoidance

Avoiding Scams - Housing Counseling

Calling a loan servicer directly to discuss forebearnce options can generally be done without assistance (ensure you receive written confirmation of any agreement), however any discussions regarding loan modifications should be done with assistance.

HUD provides counseling assistance at no-cost. 

Beware of scams offering to assist in reducing loan payments, avoiding foreclosure etc that charge a fee!!

For information on HUD Counseling Agencies including how to locate the nearest office, please see following link

Additionally you can contact - HOPENOW also has additional information of value including this from the Dept/ of Labor

Related Media Articles:

3/15/20 American Banker “Calls mount for U.S. to halt foreclosures, evictions amid health crisis"   

3/13/20 Forbes “Mortgage Relief Options Are Available To Homeowners Affected By Coronavirus Safety Measures"

Please note: There is additional information that is relevant to local government from these entities (specifically HUD) including eligible usage of CDBG funds (click here

If there is any additional information I can provide please do not hesitate to let me know

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your respective communities.

Michael S. Halpern


MuniReg LLC

Vacant Property Registration Program Administration
