Communities in Action on COVID-19 Pandemic

A running list of current activities, as a result of our COVID-19 thread, are summarized and will be updated on our OMMS website as changes become available:

Also, listed below is a Trending Topics summary of questions that have not specifically been addressed so please let us know how you are addressing these matters.

Thanks to OMMS staff members Aubrey Weatherford and Brittany Long for their assistance on keep our information current.

And thank you for your continued support.  It is appreciated. 

Steve Whitlock
OMMS Executive Director 


 Questions Needing Answers

Funerals, cemeteries, limiting crowds

Employees with children taking leave during school closures, how to handle

Utilities, dealing with current payments/cutoffs as well as turning on previous cutoffs


Spending Authority

Cushing: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to expend up to $50,000 to keep vital governmental services operating in the event there is a declared public health emergency in the fiscal year 2019-2020. Also. a resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to pay regular payroll and claims in the event that there is a declared public health emergency in the fiscal year 2019-2020. (see linked resolutions for Cushing)

The Village: The City Manager and/or designee(s) shall be authorized to make emergency purchases of goods and services and enter into contracts as deemed necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and to protect public or private property from further harm or damage. Emergency purchases of goods and services shall not be subject to competitive bidding or other purchasing requirements established by this code. Contracts pursuant to this section may be entered into by the city manager and/or designee(s) without the prior approval of City Council.


City Hall Procedures

Kingfisher: PROCEDURES EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: • All employees entering City Hall will wash their hands with soap and warm water upon entry.  Direct other city employees visiting city hall will be directed to the washroom. • Sanitize common areas and public contact surfaces with disinfectant at 10:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and at close, at a minimum. • Keep space and distance with customers. • If a customer appears ill, kindly ask them for a phone number to resolve the issue and ask the customer to leave.  Sanitize the area. • Contain all customers at the counter.  If they need Jon, Anita, Brittney or Dave, we will come to the counter, and escort the customer to our work area if needed. • Establish customer waiting area, for the next available representative to serve the customer.   • Restrict customer service to one customer at the counter at a time. • Limit personal visits to brief engagements in the lobby.  


Choctaw: we are not cutting any customers off of utilities for the next 30 days, however, has anyone thought of the customers you have cut off already?  Anyone cutting them back on?

Oklahoma City: is attempting to contact recent disconnect customers to make arrangements to turn them back on. Or they can call in to request a reconnect. They will have to agree to a payment plan.

Cushing: Waived all fees associated with credit card payments (online) and phone payments received in our billing and collections division. Unfortunately, we did not waive the court fee because it is much higher and some of the smaller amounts applied to outstanding balances may not exceed the fee to process the payment when using a credit card.

Collinsville: We have closed city hall and all payments will be made thru the drive thru window. 

Blanchard: If the virus progresses closer to McClain County, we will close City Hall and all other public buildings to the general public and proceed with business on-line and telephone.  We are making sure all of our forms will be fillable and available on our new website. We have already asked the public to start using the payment drop-offs or on-line payment instead of coming to City Hall. Throughout the term of this Disaster Declaration, the City of Blanchard will postpone cutting off water service for customers unable to pay their utility bills. There will be no disconnection or late penalties applied to anyone's bill during this time period and extensions will not be required.

Choctaw: I have closed the door leading to Admin offices to keep the public out, however the front foyer of City Hall remains open for customer interaction.  We will disinfect 3 times a day depending on traffic.  No water cut-offs until further notice

Eufaula: Effective immediately there will be no disconnection of water service to customers due to non-payment for the March 24 disconnect day.  Additionally, the $75 service disconnection fee will be waived for accounts that would have been disconnected on March 24 due to non-payment.  Customers are still responsible for their bill and need to keep their account in good standing by paying their bill or making a payment arrangement.


Employee Leave

Cherokee: How are other cities addressing the issue of employees with children who are out of school?  We are currently still open to the citizens but are monitoring the situation with a plan in place for closure to the public if necessary. Several of my admin staff have children still in school and have sitters for this week but are unsure about next week right now.  I am curious as to how other cities are handling this.

Cushing: Implemented a case by case policy on leave. We want those who are sick to stay home and/or stay home and care for someone sick. All leave beginning last week that is connected to an illness will be reviewed by our office and some sick leave will be not charged back to our team member. We implemented this early on in anticipation for this very situation. We even created a special leave slip to designate the special leave so we can track it beyond the event to ensure continuity when processing leave.

Owasso: Please carefully consider all of your full-time employees who can work remotely from home and use your best judgment to encourage that and do so starting tomorrow through the end of March.      For many of your people who must perform their jobs at their work stations or as per normal responsibilities in the field, we expect that having fewer people in our offices will meaningfully reduce the risk of exposure and spread of viruses to others.  


Restaurant/Business Limitations

Limiting: OKC, Tulsa, Stillwater, Norman

OKC: Effective 5:00 pm, Tuesday, March 17, 2020 through April 12, 2020, all bars without on-premises food service shall be closed to the public. This does not prohibit the presence of personnel required for the maintenance of the facility or grounds. All other persons are restricted from such places.

Effective 12:01 am, Wednesday, March 18, 2020 through April 12, 2020, all bars with on premises food service, breweries, and restaurants are restricted to providing only take-out or delivery of food and sale of pre-packaged alcohol authorized for sale under state law. Such locations are otherwise closed to the public and persons, other than employees, are restricted from such places for any other purpose.

Effective 12:01 am, Wednesday, March 18, 2020 through April 12, 2020, all athletic gyms, exercise facilities, movie theaters, and shopping mall food courts shall be closed to the public.  This does not prohibit the presence of personnel required for the maintenance of the facility or grounds. All other persons are restricted from such places.

Stillwater: Stillwater issued a wider proclamation 3/17. Closes bars, dining rooms, theaters, bowling, other entertainment venues, gyms, but encourages restaurant takeout


Not Limiting

Enid: is not contemplating directing a ban on dine-in at this time.  There is much voluntary movement to drive through only from chains and I’m sure more to follow.

Chickasha: has not considered a ban at this time. However, we are promoting those businesses that voluntarily move to curbside and delivery, as well as retail boutiques and shops that sale via websites to reduce their in-house traffic. Chickasha is also distributing this form through the Chamber to assist with our economic recovery planning.

Blanchard: concurs with Chickasha! We are going to promote our local businesses on our Facebook.

Newcastle: has encouraged take-out/delivery only, but a ban is not being considered at this time.

Wagoner: has not banning dine-in, but are encouraging take-out as most businesses are already experiencing.

Moore: Like Enid and Edmond, Moore is not banning dine-in at this time.

Collinsville: is the same as Enid, Edmond and Moore.

Edmond: Edmond’s response is similar to Enid’s, but we have a Council meeting tomorrow at 5 p.m. and we may get different direction from our Council.