Latest News
Updated Frequently Asked Questions (2-6-24)
Updated Compliance and Reporting Guidance(6-10-22)
Using ARPA Funds for Government Services Video (2-1-22)
Final Rule Released (1-7-21)
Final Rule Overview (1-7-21)
ARPA Information
About ARPA
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) established the $350 Billion State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund provides money to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery. Every county and municipality in Oklahoma have been allotted ARPA funds from the State and local Fiscal Recovery fund. Counties and Metropolitan cities (Entitlement Cities) with a population over 50,000 were granted their share of the money directly from the Federal government. The Federal government does not have the information on file for local governments with a population under 50,000, known as Non-Entitlement Units. (NEU's). The ARPA rules require the State of Oklahoma to distribute the Fiscal Recovery Funds to NEU's based on population. Oklahoma received the ARPA funds for NEU’s in August of 2020 and Since then, OML has worked OMAG, Crawford and Associates and the state of Oklahoma to help distribute 238 million dollars to municipalities in Oklahoma. Municipalities must report on how these ARPA funds are being spent every year in April. Even if a municipality has used all the ARPA funds, the municipality still has to report to show nothing has changed since the last report. If you have any questions, about this report or ARPA in general, please submit an Inquiry here:
The OML American Recovery Plan Act service provides information based on the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the state of Oklahoma. Each Oklahoma municipality is responsible for submitting and verifying the correct budget information, using ARPA funds correctly, and submitting a project and expenditure report every year in April until 2026. The advice of a municipal attorney, as a legal advisor, should be followed before making any decisions regarding accepting, spending, or reporting on ARPA funds.