All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League
Oh the holidays! The season of giving is upon us. It is within the human spirit to give. This is the time of year OML receives numerous inquiries regarding giving employees a Christmas bonus, providing a turkey/ham or giving city/town councilmembers a gift. Although the intent is good, it can cause a great deal of confusion for city employees and members of the governing body.
Read MoreFive officials representing a wide range of experiences will be inducted September 19 into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame for City and Town Officials. The black-tie optional hall of fame induction ceremony will be at the Cox Convention Center in Tulsa in conjunction with the Annual Conference Banquet for the Oklahoma Municipal League.
Read MoreTwo Oklahoma Arts Council programs are changing as the agency adjusts to a new reality in state arts funding resulting from state budget cuts in recent years.
Read MoreVisit our Classified Listings page to post and see employment opportunities, Municipal sales and more!
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