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Grants Promote Traditional Arts Across the United States

Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color

Application deadline: March 19, 2025, for initial self-nominations
Geographic scope: United States, including U.S. territories
Grant amount: $15,000 for traditional artists/practitioners and $50,000 for community organizations
Description: Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color, a national funding program managed by the six U.S. regional arts organizations, supports folklife and traditional arts rooted in communities of color in the United States. The program will provide $15,000 unrestricted awards for six traditional artists or practitioners in each regional arts organization’s area, supporting a total of 36 practitioners in their community-rooted traditional arts practice. In addition, $50,000 awards will be provided to one organization or collective in each U.S. state and jurisdiction (56 total) to support the work they do to care for their communities’ traditions and traditional artists. Eligible applicants include traditional artists and practitioners involved in visual arts, performing arts, food or medicine traditions, oral histories, and other community-rooted practices. Organizations may include nonprofits, collectives, Tribal and local governments, businesses, and other entities that support folklife rooted in communities of color.