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All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Oklahoma Municipal League Elects President and Vice President

The Oklahoma Municipal League and the Board of Directors today announced new leadership to head the OML Board of Directors.

Pamela Polk, City Manager for the City of Collinsville was elevated to President, and is the first woman to serve as President of the OML Board of Directors. Scotty White, Mayor of Poteau was chosen by the OML Board as Vice-President.

“The OML Board of Directors provide critical leadership and guidance for cities and towns across Oklahoma,” said Mike Fina, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Municipal League. “The strength of our organization comes from the strong leadership we have on a municipal level.”

Pamela Polk serves as the City Manager of the City of Collinsville. Polk is the first, and only, female city manager in Oklahoma to be credentialed through the International City/County Management Association based in Washington, D.C. She was awarded the prestigious Gerald Wilkins Award for City Manager of the Year in 2017, and the Women in Municipal Government Woman of the Year award in 2022. Polk has been an OML Board Member since 2017.

“I am honored to be President of the OML Board of Directors,” Polk said. “Local government has a direct, daily impact on the lives of every Oklahoman. The cities and towns in Oklahoma are leading the way on innovative problem solving and showing Oklahomans how to work together. I am proud of the work that OML does to assist municipalities across Oklahoma.”

Scotty White is the Mayor of Poteau and was elected to his second term in office in April. In addition to serving on the OML Board, he is also a member of the Mayors Council of Oklahoma, the Leflore County Development Coalition and the Ft. Smith Regional Alliance.

“It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve OML and Oklahoma,” said White. “Mayors around the State of Oklahoma are leading the way when it comes to growing the economy through economic development. Oklahoma is strong when our communities are strong.”

The Oklahoma Municipal League is the authoritative source for information, training, and resources on effective local government for member organizations and is recognized as the unified voice of Oklahoma cities and towns. Learn more at www.OML.org
