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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Community Assistance RFP

OML partners with the OU Institute for Quality Communities to offer the Quality Communities Grant to member communities and they have recently announced that the RFP application process for 2023-2024 projects is now open. 

Through this partnership, 36 Oklahoma communities have received $48,000 in matching funds for planning and design services from the Institute for Quality Communities. We have also participated in IQC programs like the Placemaking Conference and Quality Communities Retreats. In 2022-2023, we were able to provide IQC grants to 6 municipalities and matched $10,000 in grants for ICQ projects.

The Institute for Quality Communities through the University of Oklahoma Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture has recently announced that they have opened their RFP application process for 2023-2024 projects.

How it works/general overview: https://iqc.ou.edu/projects/howitworks/

Direct link to application: https://ousurvey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9S96nAvLpuDkUPY

ICQ builds partnerships with mayors, city managers, and civic organizations across Oklahoma to identify challenges in the built environment. Students learn by experience to gather community input, analyze existing conditions, and develop conceptual planning and design solutions. These partnerships enhance learning and help Oklahomans reshape their towns and cities in ways that improve health, economy, and quality of life.