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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

USDA Rural Development Funding Programs

OML and USDA Rural Development partnered together to present a workshop on USDA Funding Opportunities. Kenneth Corn, State Director of USDA Rural Development and his team shared information about Federal Grant Programs. They have shared the presentations from the workshop, and you can find them here.

USDA Rural Development forges partnerships with rural communities, funding projects that bring housing, community facilities, business guarantees, utilities and other services to rural America. USDA provides technical assistance and financial backing for rural businesses and cooperatives to create quality jobs in rural areas. Rural Development promotes the President’s National Energy Policy and ultimately the nation’s energy security by engaging the entrepreneurial spirit of rural America in the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. Rural Development works with low-income individuals, State, local and Indian tribal governments, as well as private and nonprofit organizations and user-owned cooperatives. If you would like to sign up for alerts from multiple USDA programs please visit Oklahoma | Rural Development (usda.gov) and scroll to the bottom where it says “sign up for updates”. For more information contact education@oml.org, or call 405-528-7515.