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All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Funds Available to Restore Native Tree Species in the Continental U.S.

The Oak Hill Fund: Diminished Tree Species Grants
The Oak Hill Fund believes that restoring native tree species will directly improve natural ecosystems, as well as society. Diminished Tree Species Grants are provided to nonprofit organizations working in the continental United States. The Fund supports the following efforts: active restoration of diminished continental U.S. forest species (examples include Eastern Hemlock, Balsam Fir, American Chestnut, and Longleaf Pine); protection of native tree habitat through forest land preservation (including property easements, as well as the creation of newly preserved lands through either state or federal acquisition); and science-based research, seed orchard development, and other associated expenses involved in species restoration. Online letters of inquiry are accepted throughout the year. Visit the Fund's website for more information.