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All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Funding Advances Revenue Generation for Progressive Organizations

Progressive Multiplier
The Progressive Multiplier seeks to grow the revenue generation capacity of progressive organizations to help build a progressive movement in the U.S. Progressive Multiplier provides nonprofits in progressive program areas with paths to quickly build their mass market revenue generation capacity and ensures that investment is available to meet the sector's growing need. Progressive Multiplier offers grants for experimentation in revenue generation, as well as recoverable grants and loans to scale revenue generation projects, to organizations working in the areas of human rights and social justice, the environment, and realizing democracy. Grantees must be U.S.-based nonprofits and subsidiaries with 501(c)(3)s, 501(c)(4)s, projects housed in these entities, or LLCs in which a 501(c)(3) or (c)(4) are the only members. Applicants should have an operating budget of $500,000 or more and do some form of domestic policy advocacy, legal advocacy, or civic engagement, or be a media organization. Letters of inquiry are accepted on a rolling basis and applications are invited when the Progressive Multiplier has funding available that matches the grant criteria. Visit the Progressive Multiplier website to review the information for grantseekers and the FAQs.