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All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Legislation Impacting Municipal Courts

There are some concerns on the practical impact of SJR43. Full text is located at the end of this email.  SJR 43 eliminates the constitutionally created limited jurisdiction of municipal courts by repealing Article 7 and would potentially leave municipal courts to be completely created and governed by statute.  That could create issues.  Omitting the highlighted text below in Article 7 creates a huge concern for Municipal Courts.  If omitted, this may allow the State to decide what municipal courts can or can’t prosecute and/or preside over.  If it’s something the District Courts don’t want to handle, they may be able to send it to a Municipal Court to preside over the case.  This could be a divorce, criminal, civil, victim protective order or any other cases they deem appropriate.  

Please review and provide your thoughts as soon as possible. Also reach out to your legislators to voice concerns if applicable. Feel free to send copies my way. - Daniel

  Oklahoma Constitution
    Article 7 - Judicial Department
        Section Article 7 section 1 - Courts in which judicial power vested
Cite as: O.S. §, __ __

§ 1. Courts in which judicial power vested.

The judicial power of this State shall be vested in the Senate, sitting as a Court of Impeachment, a Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Court on the Judiciary, the State Industrial Court, the Court of Bank Review, the Court of Tax Review, and such intermediate appellate courts as may be provided by statute, District Courts, and such Boards, Agencies and Commissions created by the Constitution or established by statute as exercise adjudicative authority or render decisions in individual proceedings. Provided that the Court of Criminal Appeals, the State Industrial Court, the Court of Bank Review and the Court of Tax Review and such Boards, Agencies and Commissions as have been established by statute shall continue in effect, subject to the power of the Legislature to change or abolish said Courts, Boards, Agencies, or Commissions. Municipal Courts in cities or incorporated towns shall continue in effect and shall be subject to creation, abolition or alteration by the Legislature by general laws, but shall be limited in jurisdiction to criminal and traffic proceedings arising out of infractions of the provisions of ordinances of cities and towns or of duly adopted regulations authorized by such ordinances.


           Bill Number: OK58RSJR  43



  1                                 STATE OF OKLAHOMA

  2                    2nd Session of the 58th Legislature (2022)

  3                                 ENGROSSED SENATE

  4        JOINT

  5        RESOLUTION NO. 43  By:  Treat, Bullard, Jett, and

  6        Bergstrom of the Senate

  7              and

  8            Lepak of the House

  9               [ repeal of Article VII and Article VII-B - addition]

 10               [of a new Article VII-C to the Oklahoma Constitution]

 11               [courts - requirements for Supreme Court and Court of]

 12               [Criminal Appeals - jurisdiction of courts]

 13               [gubernatorial appointment of justices and judges]

 14               [Senate confirmation - effective date - ballot title]

 15               [filing ]



 18            SECTION 1.  The Secretary of State shall refer to the people for

 19        their approval or rejection, as and in the manner provided by law,

 20        the following proposed amendment to the Constitution of Oklahoma,

 21        the repeal of Articles VII and VII-B and the addition of a new

 22        Article VII-C to read as follows:

 23        ARTICLE VII-C




  1            Section 1.  The judicial power of this state shall be vested in

  2        the Senate, sitting as a Court of Impeachment, a Supreme Court, a

  3        Court on the Judiciary, a Court of Criminal Appeals, and such

  4        inferior courts as the Legislature may from time to time ordain and

  5        establish.  The Judges of the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal

  6        Appeals, and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good

  7        behavior and for terms of office as specified in this article or by

  8        statute, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a

  9        compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance

 10        in office.

 11            Section 2.  The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice

 12        and eight Associate Justices, until such number is changed by

 13        statute.  Each Justice shall be from a separate district of the

 14        state, and judicial districts shall remain as presently constituted

 15        until otherwise provided by statute.  Five members of the court

 16        shall constitute a quorum.  The Court on the Judiciary shall consist

 17        as provided in Article VII-A.  The Court of Criminal Appeals shall

 18        consist of a Chief Judge and four associate judges, until such

 19        number is changed by statute.  Three members of the court shall

 20        constitute a quorum.  The judges of all other inferior courts

 21        including courts of general jurisdiction shall consist as

 22        established by statute.

 23            Section 3.  The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law

 24        and equity, arising under this Constitution or the laws of Oklahoma.

 25        The Supreme Court shall exercise appellate jurisdiction in the last

 26        resort in all cases or controversies, except criminal cases and

 27        controversies.  The Supreme Courts appellate jurisdiction shall be



  1        discretionary, and so long as an inferior intermediate court of

  2        appeals exists, the Supreme Court shall not exercise appellate

  3        jurisdiction of first review.  The Court of Criminal Appeals shall

  4        exercise appellate jurisdiction in the last resort over appeals in

  5        all criminal cases or controversies.  The Supreme Court shall make

  6        rules governing the administration of all courts in the state and,

  7        subject to the law, the practice and procedure in all such courts.

  8        The Supreme Court shall have jurisdiction over admission to the

  9        practice of law in Oklahoma courts and the discipline of persons

 10        admitted, when necessary to address acts or omissions committed in

 11        the context of a case or controversy before the Oklahoma courts.

 12        Such jurisdiction shall not extend to the discipline of attorneys

 13        for acts or omissions not occurring in the context of a case or

 14        controversy before the Oklahoma courts.  Jurisdiction over admission

 15        to the practice of law by individuals not appearing in Oklahoma

 16        courts is vested exclusively in the Legislature.

 17            Section 4.  The Governor shall nominate and appoint, with the

 18        advice and consent of the Senate, the Chief Justice and Associate

 19        Justices of the Supreme Court, the Chief Judge and Associate Judges

 20        of the Court of Criminal Appeals, and the judges of all intermediate

 21        appellate courts.  The judges of courts of general jurisdiction

 22        shall be elected in the same manner as county officers, until

 23        changed by statute.  Upon the effective date of this article, judges

 24        and justices of existing courts shall retain their offices for the

 25        remainder of their term without nomination by the Governor or

 26        confirmation by the Senate.  Upon expiration of their terms, judges

 27        and justices of existing courts shall be replaced according to the



  1        provisions of this article.

  2            Section 5.  The terms of office of the Chief Justice and

  3        Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, the Chief Judge and

  4        Associate Judges of the Court of Criminal Appeals, and the judges of

  5        all intermediate appellate courts shall be six (6) years and shall

  6        commence on the second Monday of January following their election or

  7        appointment.  At the general election next before his or her term

  8        expires, any aforementioned judge or justice may seek retention in

  9        office by filing with the Secretary of State, not less than sixty

 10        (60) days before the date of such election, a declaration of

 11        candidacy to succeed himself or herself.  Thereupon, at such

 12        election, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the

 13        state, on a separate ballot, this question:

 14            Shall (Here insert name of Justice or Judge and party

 15        affiliation) of (Here insert the title of the court) be retained in

 16        Office?"

 17            ____  YES

 18            ____  NO

 19            The question shall be decided by a majority of those voting

 20        thereon.  If the decision is yes the Judicial Officer shall be

 21        retained in office for the next ensuing six-year term.  If the

 22        decision is no, or if no declaration of candidacy is filed, the

 23        office shall be vacant upon expiration of the term then being

 24        served, and the former judge or justice shall not be eligible for

 25        appointment to succeed himself or herself.  Retention in office may

 26        be sought for successive terms without limit as to number, except 

 27        the Legislature may, by statute, enact term limits.


  1            Those appointed or elected to fill vacancies shall assume office

  2        immediately upon qualifying for the office.  Each justice, at the

  3        time of his or her election or appointment, shall have attained the

  4        age of thirty years, shall have been a qualified elector in Oklahoma

  5        for at least one year immediately prior to the date of filing or

  6        appointment, and shall have been a practicing attorney or judge of a

  7        court of record, or both, in Oklahoma for five years preceding his

  8        or her election or appointment.

  9            Section 6.  Except with reference to the Senate sitting as a

 10        Court of Impeachment and the Court on the Judiciary, general

 11        administrative authority over all courts in this State, including

 12        the temporary assignment of any judge to a court other than that for

 13        which he or she was elected or appointed, is hereby vested in the

 14        Supreme Court and shall be exercised by the Chief Justice in

 15        accordance with its rules.  Provided, however, that the process for

 16        special or temporary assignments on the Supreme Court shall be

 17        determined by statute.

 18            Section 7.  All matters related to the Judicial Department but

 19        not addressed in this article may be determined by statute, and the

 20        Legislature may enact statutes, as necessary, to carry the

 21        provisions of this article into effect.

 22            Section 8.  This article shall become effective on January 1,

 23        2023.

 24            SECTION 2.  The Ballot Title for the proposed Constitutional

 25        amendment as set forth in SECTION 1 of this resolution shall be in

 26        the following form:

 27        BALLOT TITLE

  1        Legislative Referendum No. ____  State Question No. ____


  3        This measure would amend the Oklahoma Constitution.  It would

  4        repeal Article 7 and Article 7-B which created the Judicial

  5        Department and directed the selection of justices and judges.

  6        The measure would enact a new Article 7-C to establish a new

  7        court structure modeled on that of the United States

  8        Constitution.  The Governor will pick new appellate judges,

  9        subject to confirmation by the Senate.  Appellate judges will

 10        stand for retention elections every six years.  Trial court

 11        judges will be elected in the same manner as other county

 12        officers.


 14            FOR THE PROPOSAL  YES  _____________

 15            AGAINST THE PROPOSAL  NO   _____________

 16            SECTION .  The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall,

 17        immediately after the passage of this resolution, prepare and file

 18        one copy thereof, including the Ballot Title set forth in SECTION 2

 19        hereof, with the Secretary of State and one copy with the Attorney

 20        General.


 22        SJR43 HFLRPage 1

 23        BOLD FACE denotes Committee Amendments.

Daniel McClure, J.D., M.P.A.
Deputy General Counsel – OK Municipal League
201 N.E. 23rd St., OKC, OK, 73105