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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

What Municipalities Need To Know About Broadband Funding

Municipal Leaders-


Over the next five years the State of Oklahoma will invest more than $1.5 billion in broadband infrastructure. These dollars will be used to provide highspeed broadband access to the entire state. As you can imagine with that type of investment, many companies will want to do business in your community. The process of awarding this money will be highly competitive and these companies will be coming to you directly for your support. Before you make that commitment or allocate any of your own ARPA dollars to broadband infrastructure, please reach out to OML first and allow us to help. Below we have provided you with some initial guidance, please review and let us know if you have any questions. Please note the broadband specific contact email at the end of this message. 


Broadband- What Municipalities Need to Know Now:  

·    The new Oklahoma State Broadband Office will potentially be receiving more than $1.5 billion in grant funding over the next year to fund the statewide broadband expansion plan. 

·    Municipalities that need broadband access will work with the State in the coming months to achieve the goal of 95% high-speed broadband coverage within Oklahoma by June 2028.  

·    If your municipality wants to use the NEU ARPA funds on broadband infrastructure expansion, please consider waiting until the state broadband programs are finalized and your municipality determines their eligibility on funding as well as the potential coverage provided by internet service providers. Municipalities should also consider using the ARPA funds on other permissible uses under the final rule.

·    This will help to ensure that municipalities will receive the greatest amount of broadband coverage for the lowest cost possible.  

·    Before signing a contract with a broadband company for your community, make sure they will be able to provide speeds at or above 100/20 with the potential to increase speeds as required by the Federal Communications Commission.  

·    If you have any questions about broadband for your community, please contact OML at Broadband@oml.org.



Mike Fina
Executive Director, 
Oklahoma Municipal League


Disclaimer: The OML broadband service provides information based on what OML currently knows about broadband in Oklahoma. There may be other facts and details that were unknown to OML or not relayed that may alter the information provided. OML does not provide legal advice or act as a legal advisor. The advice of your municipal attorney, as your legal advisor, should be followed before implementing any policy or making any decisions regarding broadband contracts or legal matters.