OML announces 2021 recipients of the Municipal Champion Award
Left to Right: Mike Fina, OML Executive Director, Senator Brent Howard, Senator John Michael Montgomery, Rep. Daniel Pae, Rep. Marcus McEntire, Daniel McClure, OML
The Oklahoma Municipal League (OML) is pleased to announce the 2021 recipients of the Municipal Champion Award. This award recognizes legislators that have advanced public policy which has improved municipal government and benefitted Oklahoma citizens.
This year’s recipients include Representative Marcus McEntire, District 50; Representative Daniel Pae, District 62; Senator John Michael Montgomery, District 32; and Senator Brent Howard, District 38.
For this recognition, OML recognizes Senator Howard and Representative Pae who worked cooperatively to author House Bill 1789. This bill amends 61 O.S. Section 103 providing local governmental units or local governmental units cooperating under any interlocal cooperative agreement which may create a purchasing cooperative or a contract with a purchasing cooperative. This in effect allows local governments to work together to obtain better pricing on intergovernmental public improvement projects.
Additionally, Senator Montgomery and Representative Pae authored SB 277, titled the Public Nuisance/Cooperative Agreements. This bill authorizes municipalities to gather contact information for persons responsible for emergency contacts and property maintenance for addressing public nuisances, dilapidated properties, or other unlawful conduct in accordance with their general police powers. Also, contact information is authorized for those who receive notice and service of process for impacted property.
Senator Brent Howard, District 38, has also been recognized for his support of these two bills and his previous support of the measures.
Lawton mayor Stan Booker often works closely with the honored legislators, noting that he appreciates their efforts in listening to the needs of our municipalities and authoring legislation that benefits our citizens. “With most Oklahomans living within a municipality, it is so important that our legislators continue to author and pass legislation that benefits our citizens. The legislators being honored with this award are great examples of those that place our citizens first,” said Mayor Booker.
Mike Fina, OML Executive Director stated that the four legislators who are being recognized for this award represent the best of the best as we strive to enrich and improve the quality of lives for our citizens who live and work in our 586 cities and towns. “We appreciate the legislators understanding of the issues that face our municipalities and their willingness to work with OML to ensure needed legislation is enacted,” Fina said.
OML serves as the individual and collective voice of local government officials in interactions at both the state and national levels. OML provides services and programs to its members that assist them in better serving their citizens and communities and acts as a clearinghouse to offer services which individual cities and towns do not have the time, money, or expertise to provide alone.