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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Message About Municipal Health Solutions (MHS)


At the helm of the MHS program are committed men and women from Oklahoma’s municipalities. MHS is built on their front-line experience leading our cities and towns. Their key insights have helped tailor a meaningful offering for Oklahoma communities and their employees. Under the governance of these municipal professionals, the MHS benefit package has been designed as a robust program that delivers both quality benefits and valuable administrative assistance. 

This means you and your staff can focus on the mission of elevating the quality of life in Oklahoma’s cities and towns.

Won’t you join me and many others from across the state in considering the MHS program as a viable employee benefits option?  If you would like to schedule an initial meeting to learn more about the MHS program, please contact Nancee Morris, MHS Plan Administrator at nancee@oml.org or call 405.528.7515.

Thank you,
Mike Brown
Chairman of the Board, Municipal Health Solutions
Mayor, City of Weatherford

Christy Christoffersen