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All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Community Leadership Development Class 7 Visited Ardmore

The Community Leadership Development class traveled to Ardmore January 17th and 18th for Session 5, Servant Leadership.  

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Thursday, January 17th the group met for a reception at the La Quinta Inn and Suites, where Ardmore Assistant City Manager, Kevin Boatright greeted the class members.  After the reception CLD 7 class member Dustin Scott, City Administrator, Marietta, and his wife Jessica Scott, Director of Community Services, City of Ardmore and CLD 6 graduate, provided a delicious taco dinner at their home. The Scott’s home is a historical 100 year old three story home.  The class enjoyed dinner, conversation, and a tour of the beautiful home.

Friday morning everyone gathered at the Ardmore City Hall Commission Chamber.  City Manager JD Spohn welcomed the class! The morning session consisted of class members giving presentations, and working on group projects. The group then took a short walk to Casa Roma and had a delicious meal. After lunch a walking tour of downtown, East Main Streetscape Project, and viewing of loft apartments above downtown businesses was given by Jessica Scott and Kevin Boatright.

Following lunch Dr. Scott Willingham, Senior Vice President, Strategic Government Resources presented Servant Leadership.  Dr. Willingham talked about building community, growth of people, awareness, and conceptualization.  This was an interactive session where Dr. Willingham really engaged the group to participate by breaking them into groups for discussion on the topics, and then letting the groups share with the entire class.  

A big thank you to the City of Ardmore for hosting this event!  Thank you to JD Spohn, Ardmore City Manager.  We would also like to thank CLD 6 graduates and City of Ardmore staff Kevin Boatright, Assistant City Manager, and Jessica Scott, Community Development Director, and Lori Linney, Assistant to the City Manager for coordinating all the events that made session 5 a great success! 

The next class will be CLD 7 graduation, to be held in Ponca City.  The CLD Class 7 would not be possible without the generous support of community partners, including Oklahoma Natural Gas, Public Service Company of Oklahoma and Phillips66.

Be sure to “like” the Community Leadership Development class on Facebook to follow CLD Class 7 on their journey!!

Christy Christoffersen