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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

OML Seeking Community Communications Staff Information

OML needs your assistance!! We are in the process of creating an email database consisting of staff or personnel that handle your town or cities communication needs.

Perhaps that person is a full-time, dedicated communications professional, the Mayor, the City Manager, Clerk, or someone else on your staff.  Their responsibilities may include writing press releases, managing your website, overseeing your social media, or even crisis communication and more.

By having their name and information, we want to be able to contact them for special communication projects, seminars, and workshops, as well as acting as our contact for communication purposes. These events will provide information to assist them in doing a great job with communications for your city or town.

If you would, please click the communications personnel link below to complete the necessary information form.  Once the form is completed, please hit submit. If you have additional staff that you would like to add to our database, simply complete and submit multiple forms.

Thank you for letting OML assist your city or town’s communication effort!!

For answers to questions or for more information, please contact Leslie Blair, Communications Director, 405.528.7515 or email: Leslie@oml.org.