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All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

USA Today selects Broken Arrow's Rose District as a top 50 Charming Main Street

In 2005, the look and feel of Broken Arrow's Main Street began to change as the City Council embarked on an expansive downtown revitalization plan. The city created a tax increment financing district (TIF) to help start funding improvements, as well as voters approved general obligation bonds in both 2011 and 2014 to continue the revitalization process. 

Since then, public projects worth more than $65 million have been completed.  Those projects include renovation of historic buildings, construction of a new 1,500-seat performing arts center, a pavilion to host the farmer’s market and community events, a 1,200 square-foot interactive water feature and much more.

Future construction is also planned this year on an $18 million mixed-use development that will include a four-story complex featuring 31,000 square-feet of commercial space as well as 90 luxury apartments on the upper three levels.