Municipal Messenger

Municipal Messenger

2020 Census Information


Municipal Messenger Article


By April 1, 2020, every home in the United States will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, people can respond in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail.

It is important that we get every Oklahoman counted. Getting an accurate count of our state’s residents means making sure we get the right amount of federal funding for things like schools, disaster recovery, health clinics, and local infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Oklahoma is approximately 100,000 people away from getting additional federal representation in Congress.

The Oklahoma Department of Commerce is leading the state’s efforts to encourage all Oklahomans to be counted in the 2020 Census. Providing information and resources to YOU, our community partners across the state, is critical to getting a successful count. This weekly newsletter will include announcements of new available Census resources, best practices from other organizations and high-impact, quick action items that you can implement right away.

Thank you for doing your part! is now live! is a great resource for getting Oklahoma to count in the 2020 Census! In addition to information for the general public about the census, the website also provides free, useful resources you can use in your organization’s outreach, such as:

  • OK, Let’s Count! logo downloads

  • Talking points

  • Free designs for t-shirts, pins, yard signs, etc.

  • … and more!

Print materials and additional resources in multiple languages will be added over the coming weeks.

Make It Count!

Here are 3 things you can do for free this week to spread the word about the 2020 Census:

  1. Forward this email to other community leaders and volunteers and encourage them to subscribe.

  2. Ask your organization’s leadership to send an email to all staff about the importance of being counted in the Census.

  3. Include a message about the Census in your email signature.

Complete Count Committees

Local Complete Count Committees have been established all over the state. Find the one in your community. To start a committees in your area, contact Jeronimo Gallegos, US Census Bureau Partnership Specialist at

Christy Christoffersen