Governor Stitt speaks with Rear Admiral John Polowczyk to discuss PPE supply chain

OKLAHOMA CITY (April 23, 2020) – Governor Kevin Stitt spoke by phone Thursday morning with U.S. Navy Rear Adm. John Polowczyk, the leader of the FEMA supply chain task force, to discuss Oklahoma’s PPE supply and distribution.

Governor Stitt was joined on the call by PPE Coordinator Gino DeMarco.

“I thank Rear Adm. Polowczyk for his time this morning and appreciate all he is doing to manage the supply chain,” said Gov. Stitt. “I made sure to let him know of some of the challenges we are facing acquiring N95 masks in Oklahoma and look forward to his continued help for our state.”

Rear Adm. Polowczyk praised Oklahoma’s system of tracking PPE inventory across the state, including using the National Guard to ensure accurate and timely data reporting.

The rear admiral asked for more information to share as a best practice with other states and FEMA regions.

“Gino DeMarco has done great work on our PPE in an incredibly complicated and difficult environment,” said Gov. Stitt. “Oklahomans should be proud of our focus on collecting accurate data to ensure we keep our health care providers and first responders safe and protected. Maj. Gen. Thompson, Brig. Gen. Mancino and the Oklahoma National Guard have been tremendous partners in this effort as well.”

Christy Christoffersen