Certified Mayor Program
2017 MCO Summer Conference
Being a successful Mayor requires a unique skill set which is not easily obtained from other endeavors. A community looks to their mayor not only as a mentor and role model, but also for leadership, guidance and awareness of legislative trends that will impact their local government. A Mayor must preside over public meetings and oversee the implementation of policy.
With this in mind, the Mayors' Council of Oklahoma established a Certified Mayors Program. The purpose of this program is to recognize Mayors and Vice Mayors who continue to develop their skills and enrich their expertise in local government. This is a voluntary program available to all MCO-member Mayors and Vice Mayors.
Those who complete this program will demonstrate to both their community and peers that they are committed to carrying out the duties of their office or position.
About the Program
Who is eligible?
Mayors and Vice Mayors are eligible to enroll in the Certified Mayors (CMP) Program.
What are the requirements?
40 total credit hours of training are needed for certification.
Mayor’s city must be a current member of Oklahoma Municipal League (OML)
Mayor’s city must be a member of the Mayors Council of Oklahoma (MCO)
Successful completion of OML New Officials Institute (NOI)
Must be in elected Mayor’s office a minimum of one year
Must support a majority of MCO statewide initiatives
Must be approved by MCO board prior to training
What is the enrollment process?
Complete the attached enrollment form and pay a one-time fee of $40.
Visit the MCO Website http://okmayors.webs.com/
Click the Certified Mayors Program tab
Fill out the Certified Mayors Program Online Credit Form to create an account
Start Tracking
What is the process after I register for the program?
Attend your choice of training sessions offered through: OML, OAMA, OMJA, CMAO, or MCO.
All sessions require attendance for the entire session to obtain full credit.
Please contact OML for a Request for Approval of Outside Credit form or download one from the website, http://www.oml.org/.
Proof of attendance on sign in sheet is required for all non-OML activities. All credit hours from outside training will be evaluated and approved on a case-by-case basis by MCO “Certified Mayors” Committee
What happens after I complete the program?
Officials and employees who complete 40 credit hours (not classroom hours) of training will receive the designation of Certified Mayor, lapel pin, a framed certificate and a sample press release.
Recipients who have completed requirements prior to July 1 will be recognized at the Awards Breakfast held during the OML Annual Conference.
What if I am no longer in office, but have completed the program
Those who complete the program but are no longer in office at the time of the Awards Breakfast will have their pin, certificate and press release mailed to them.