201 N.E. 23rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, (405) 528-7515; (800) 324-6651; Fax (405) 528-7560

2024 Sine Die

2023 Sine Die

2024 Sine Die

From the Desk of the Executive Director

It seems like for the past several years, we wrap up each Legislative Session by saying this year was unprecedented, historic, or unique in some way. This Session brought the most transparent budget process Oklahomans have ever witnessed. The Senate began their process by passing a resolution stating their budget position, and shortly after the Senate’s resolution, the House released an online budget portal. The House and Senate budget numbers did not match up, and the Legislature had another first with budget summits that were streamed online and open to the public and the media. They were finally able to come to an agreement, but to adjourn on time, they had to meet on Memorial Day to get all of their work in by the constitutional deadline.

The Oklahoma Municipal League continues to lead the way to advocate for local control, but we only see success because of our members. Your efforts to educate your Legislators help us to speak with a unified voice for Oklahoma cities and towns. We want to help our members become more engaged in the legislative process, and we will work to give you the tools you need to be effective advocates for local government.

This is an election year and some of you will have new Senators and Representatives in November. During the campaign cycle and the interim, it is critical to stay in contact with your local legislators. We need to communicate our message to them long before it is time to file bills for the 60th Legislative Session.

We appreciate all of your efforts that went into making this a successful legislative session, and we look forward to continuing our wins next Session.

Mike Fina
Executive Director