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OML News

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

All the Latest News from the Oklahoma Municipal League

Two New TSET Grant Opportunities Open

On an ongoing, rolling basis, TSET will fund projects to improve the health of Oklahomans that do not currently fit within established TSET programs. TSET Discovery Grants are available to 501 (c)(3) non-profit organizations, public entities and institutions of common and higher education across the state.

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Animal Welfare Organizations Supported

Doris Day Animal Foundation
The Doris Day Animal Foundation is a national grant-giving charity, founded by legendary performer Doris Day in 1978, with a straightforward mission to help animals and the people who love them. The Foundation provides support to nonprofit organizations across the United States that directly rescue, care for, and protect animals, along with programs such as senior pet assistance, spay/neuter, pet food pantries, and emergency disaster relief. Grants generally range up to $5,000. Letters of introduction may be submitted during the months of January, April, July, and October of each year. Visit the Foundation's website to review the grant guidelines and FAQs.

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Efforts to Improve College and Career Success Funded

ECMC Foundation
ECMC Foundation works to improve postsecondary outcomes for students from underserved backgrounds nationwide. The Foundation concentrates investments in two focus areas: The College Success category aims to increase the number of students from historically and presently underserved backgrounds who persist through and graduate from an institution of higher education with a bachelor's degree. The Career Readiness category aims to improve postsecondary career and technical education outcomes for students from underserved backgrounds. Nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies are eligible to apply. Letters of inquiry may be submitted throughout the year; proposals are reviewed by invitation only. Visit the Foundation's website to review the grant criteria and application process.

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