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Call for Proposals Strengthens Childhood Obesity Prevention Efforts

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Addressing Childhood Obesity and Health Inequities

Application deadline: June 27, 2024, for concept papers
Geographic scope: United States, including U.S. territories
Grant amount: Up to $22 million total will be distributed through awards of a minimum of $1,000,000. The Foundation anticipates making up to six awards.
Description: Through the Addressing Childhood Obesity and Health Inequities call for proposals, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation aims to advance efforts that will support, sustain, and evolve the work of organizations and communities that have been at the forefront of equity-oriented childhood obesity prevention in the United States. Support will be provided for projects with the potential to support, sustain, and evolve the field in promoting systems-level change to prevent childhood obesity, address structural racism, and advance health equity. The Foundation is especially interested in projects that aim to address structural racism and other systems that perpetuate health inequities; respond to gaps in evidence or action identified by the field; engage with communities most impacted by childhood obesity and nutrition insecurity and organizations focused on people of color; and leverage and complement existing field assets. Within those broad goals, supported strategies may include but are not limited to influencing policy and systems change, producing and disseminating actionable evidence and data, catalyzing investment in communities, and changing narratives.