
OML Classified and Job Listings

OML Classified and Job Listings

If you would like to submit a classified listing, the price is $10 for OML Members and $20 for Non-Members.  Please give us an expiration date.  We have the right to exclude postings at any time.

If you have any questions or need to modify an ad please contact Christy Christoffersen at OML.

Assistant Municipal Counselor II - Oklahoma City

THE CITY OF OKLAHOMA CITY IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for an Assistant Municipal Counselor II.  This position is located within the Litigation Division of the Office of the Municipal Counselor. Essential job functions include:  performing legal research and writing briefs; appearing before federal, state or municipal courts, and administrative boards, commissions and public trusts; state and federal litigation experience, including both pre-trial (to include drafting discovery, taking depositions and active motion practice) and trial; the drafting and complex analysis of ordinances, resolutions, contracts, administrative service agreements and other documents as required to advise the Municipal Counselor, City Management and administration, and Boards of Trustees or the various public trusts of their effect on municipal operations; adherence to the ethical standards for behavior and compliance with the professional rules of conduct; To apply online or to see the full vacancy announcement please visit htttp://  Information may also be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department at (405) 297-2530.  EOE

Christy Christoffersen